Läkare in Nerja

Medical attention in Nerja
The best Läkare in Nerja
Medical assistance 24/7
We collaborate directly with all scandinavian and worldwide medical insurances!
Emergency attention 24/7

Our doctors and supporting staff are trained for any emergency that may befall you or your loved ones,Practicing compassion, understanding, and caring manners.

Our doctors and supporting staff are trained for any emergency that may befall you or your loved ones,Practicing compassion, understanding, and caring manners.

Emergency services
If you need emergency health services, you can count on us for fast and reliable care.

GP Läkare
Our GPs are readily available for consultation for any medical issue, and can offer general advice on health matters and supply urgent prescriptions and referrals to Consultants

Medical Specialties
Our doctors and supporting staff are trained for any emergency that may befall you or your loved ones,Practicing compassion, understanding, and caring manners.

General medicine
Our experienced general medicine consultants are ready to handle any medical condition.
Läkare international's services
Dedicated to you and your family’s health.
01. Läkare
Our doctors and supporting staff are trained for any emergency that may befall you or your loved ones,Practicing compassion, understanding, and caring manners.
02. Emergency services
If you need emergency health services, you can count on us for fast and reliable care.
03. Läkare GP
Our GPs are readily available for consultation for any medical issue, and can offer general advice on health matters and supply urgent prescriptions and referrals to Consultants.
04. 24/7 service
Round the clock care
24 hours, 365 days
05. General medicine
Our experienced general medicine consultants are ready to handle any medical condition.
06. Hospitals
Collaborative relations with Spanish hospitals 24/7
07. Ambulance
Ambulance service 7–days a week, 24–hours per day
08. Multilingual
- English
- Swedish
- French
- Italian
- German
- Spanish
- Call now